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中原大學 建築系

第0號抽水站-邊界泳池 No. Zero Pumping station-Edge of pool
第0號抽水站-邊界泳池 No. Zero Pumping station-Edge of pool


第0號抽水站-邊界泳池 No. Zero Pumping station-Edge of pool

陳厚任 Hou-Ren Chen

指導老師:蘇富源 Su-Fu Yuan 基地位置:台北五金街 Hardware Street, Taipei 基地面積:16,000 m2 作品說明: 「0 — 循環以及超現實的存在」 / 邊界意識感 河堤是都市邊陲地帶的基礎建設,而水刻畫出邊界的樣態,但邊界的存在卻鮮少存在於人們的意識中。在一次偶然的機會下我穿越了五金街的疏散門到達河濱公園,眼前令我震懾的是波光粼粼的淡水河,我才開始意識到這習以為常的厚重牆體卻是將都市與自然分隔開來的存在。 / 斷裂感 基地在環河南路上的五金街堤外河濱公園,這裡除了恆存的淡水河,也佇立著河堤、抽水站以及高架橋等多層次且粗曠的基礎設施,同時一旁的洛陽停車場能接應跨堤的車流,而橋下的五金街店面恣意且雜亂的生活著,這些設施重複地刻畫這條邊界形成強烈的斷裂感。 / 設計說明 透過研究水與斷裂邊界的互動,並參照觀音山蓄水池與抽水站處理都市內外水的運作模式,我嘗試置入泳池系統打破水與都市邊界之間的互動想像,試圖藉由序列的移動,使人能夠感知常態存在於生活中的邊界,亦能進一步揭露都市中水的紋理。 " 0 — Circulation and Hyperreality " / Boundary awareness A river dike is an infrastructure at the boundary of a city. It is scribed by water. However, the existence of the boundary seldom appears in people’s minds. In an occasional experience, I passed through the evacuation gate of Hardware Street and arrived at the riverside park. I was shocked by the sparkling Danshui River. Therefore, I began to realize that thick walls we are accustomed to are actually an existence to separate a city from its nature. / Sense of fracture The site is located at the riverside park on the Huanhe S. Rd., Wanhua Dist. In addition to the Danshui river, there are also various infrastructures on this site. Such as river dikes, pumping stations, and viaducts. Meanwhile, the Loyang parking lot by the dike accommodates traffic streams from the cross-dike expressway. Moreover, the living condition under the dike on the Hardware street appears arbitrarily and disorderly. These facilities repeatedly carve the boundary, therefore forming a strong sense of fracture. / Design Description By studying the interaction between water and the fractured boundary while referring to the operation of city water by pumping stations and water reservoirs, the design attempts to break the image of the boundary by settling in a swimming pool system. While moving in sequences, people perceive the boundary in their routine lives reveals the character of water in a city.