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中原大學 建築系

路的盡頭有座山 Mountain Behind the City
路的盡頭有座山 Mountain Behind the City


路的盡頭有座山 Mountain Behind the City

賴奕竹 Yi-Chu Lai

指導老師:曾光宗 Guang-Zong Zeng 基地位置:劍潭山, 台北市 Jiantan Mountain, Taipei City 基地面積:1330,000 m2 作品說明: 台灣有三分之二的面積為山地,而台北市的盆地地形更使得台北的山林資源非常豐富,隨處望去都能在街道與建築背景看到山的輪廓。這些座落於都市市區的郊山由於可及性高,因此與城市關係十分密切。在台灣經歷了清領、日據及民國的戒嚴到解嚴等時期的特殊背景,也影響了都市郊山空間的發展,使得都市郊山空間展現了具歷史、地理背景意義的特性。 郊山上這些豐富的自然、歷史、社會等資源其實離我們的日常活非常近,但卻沒有被看見或是以妥善的方式使用與利用。隨著時代演進,郊山與都市和市民的關係也應該要被重新思考。 而我認為郊山應該更為開放,這個開放並不是指大肆開墾山林,而是以輕巧的手法去揭露與突顯郊山的資源,讓更廣泛的年齡層能去認識與親近這些隱藏在樹林裡的資源,讓山不再只是城市的背景。 Two-thirds of Taiwan's area are mountainous, and the basin topography of Taipei City makes Taipei's mountain and forest resources very rich. You can see the outline of the mountain in the background of streets and buildings. Due to their high accessibility, these hills located in urban areas have a very close relationship with the city. Taiwan has experienced the special background of the Qing dynasty, Japanese-occupied, under martial law and out of martial law period, which also affected the development of urban hills. These backgrounds make the space of urban hills show the characteristics of historical and geographical significance. These rich natural, historical and social resources in the urban hill are actually very close to our daily life, but they have not been seen or used in a proper way. The relationship between the urban hills and the cities and citizens should be rethinked. And I think urban hills should be more open. This opening does not refer to the large-scale reclamation of mountains and forests, but to expose and highlight the resources of it in a light manner, let a wider range of age could know and get close to these hidden resources in the woods, and let mountains are no longer just the background of the city.