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銘傳大學 建築學系

都市探險-都市新轉運站 Adventure In The City-Different Forms Of Urban Transfer Station
都市探險-都市新轉運站 Adventure In The City-Different Forms Of Urban Transfer Station


都市探險-都市新轉運站 Adventure In The City-Different Forms Of Urban Transfer Station


都市探險-都市新轉運站 _ 成為都市冷漠的破冰點,是重新體驗生活冒險的開始! Adventure In The City-Different Forms Of Urban Transfer Station _ Becoming the turning point of the cold impersonality of modern cities,It is the beginning of experience for life and adventure in modern city! 作者名稱 Author l 王雅萱 YA-HSUAN,WANG 指導教授 Advisor l 莊明哲 MING-CHE,CHUNG 基地位置 Site l 台北市萬華區環河南路一段1號(洛陽停車場) 都市產業快速發展和貨幣經濟為主的狀態,呈現了社會心理學家所謂的都市冷漠線性生活,而冒險與生活體驗是可以打破線性的破冰關鍵。其中轉運站等待轉換的過程中,成為破冰的時機點。 在等待轉變也就是在等待交通轉乘時是意識最為清晰的時候,而此時有機會意識到周遭狀況而有了改變選擇的契機,這樣的轉乘不只是交通的轉運,也是角色意識轉變的轉淚點,體驗與生活之間的互動,是為了生活而非生存。 Modern industry develops rapidly,and Modern city dominated by currency economy,that causes what social psychologists proposed the cold impersonality of modern cities-"blasé". Adventures and life experiences can change the state.And when people switch to transportation,Everyone will perceive the surroundings more deeply,then this timing is a turning point. adding those at this time,What you experience will be the interaction between modern life and people in the city. Enjoy living in this city, not just surviving.