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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系

談 - Chatterbox
談 - Chatterbox


談 - Chatterbox


透過這項產品希望創造一個談話空間,達到讓人們能和平且平等的談話與交流資訊的家具;同時兼具茶桌、會客桌、休閒桌… …等等。思考如何有效的利用材料、降低成本,將產品量產化,且以同樣的材料轉化成兩種形式的家具。 由兩椅一几發想,較容易聯想到中式家具,是端莊嚴肅的氛圍。在傳統廳堂內比較常見的一種陳設方式,茶几較矮,一般擺放在兩把椅子之間。因此想改變傳統兩椅一几較規矩的形式,改造成更增活動度的家具。 標題為「談」是指談心、談判、談話… …等等,就從營造出對談空間開始而產生交集,人與人之間的連結,從漫談中達到良好的溝通頻率,是設計這件家具的主要目的。 目標客群主要針對需要多功能需求的各年齡層使用者,或是喜歡在家齊聚泡茶、辦公談話… …等等,適合1-6人共同使用。 摺疊桌板下折時適用於兩人平坐或對坐,較為節省空間;桌板展開時可以容納6人使用,營造多人交流與對談的談話空間。 - Through this product, we hope to create a space for furniture where people can talk and exchange information peacefully and equally, as well as tea tables, meeting tables, leisure tables... Wait a minute. Think about how to effectively use materials, reduce costs, mass-produce products, and use the same materials to transform into two forms of furniture. From two chairs and a few thoughts, it is easier to think of Chinese furniture, which is a dignified and serious atmosphere. A more common way of furnishing in traditional halls, the coffee table is relatively short, usually placed between two chairs. Therefore, I want to change the traditional two-chair and one-more regular form and transform it into furniture with more mobility. The title " Chatterbox" means talking, negotiating, talking... And so on, starting from creating a dialogue space and intersecting, the link between people, from the rambling to achieve a good frequency of communication, is the main purpose of designing this piece of furniture. The target customer base is mainly for users of all ages who need multi-functional needs, or like to gather at home to make tea, office conversations... Wait, suitable for 1-6 people to use together. When folding the table board is folded down, it is suitable for two people sitting at an equal level or sitting opposite, which is more space-saving; When the table is deployed, it can accommodate 6 people to use, creating a conversation space for many people to communicate and talk.