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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系

新月 - New Yueqin
新月 - New Yueqin


新月 - New Yueqin

高家竣, 劉清心 - Gao,Jia-Jyun, Liu,Ching-Sin

本設計將東方傳統樂器「月琴」改造為一系列的新型樂器。改善月琴響度較低的缺點,透過結構上的改變與拾音器的安裝將其電聲化,可在較大的場域中演奏、搭配效果器來增加音色豐富性。此外,嘗試使用不同材種,測試這些種類的木材是否對於音色有所影響,並提高外觀辨識度。本次設計和以往的月琴形式不大相同,期盼能帶來一股新氣象,也為台灣唸歌文化注入全新活力與滿滿祝福。 - We transform the traditional instrument “Yueqin” to a series of brand new instruments. Through changing the composition and installing the pickup to make them electronic and be louder. Therefore, they can be played in a bigger range and be rich-timbre with effects pedals. Besides, we use different wood species to change the appearance and to know if the timbre will be influenced. In conclusion, these products are much different from yueain. We hope to make a fresh start and breathe new life into Taiwanese songs.