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無設限:NFT 專場|羅芙奧 2021 線上拍賣

Ravenel 羅芙奧藝術集團

Bored Ape Kennel Club #717


Bored Ape Kennel Club #717

Yuga Labs (Est. 2021)

無聊猿猴狗屋俱樂部— Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAKC) 的問世是隨著故事背景的設定及「猿時尚」的持續延燒,Yuga Labs 官方貼心地決定為一眾猿猴迷們送來狗狗作伴,既然是要為猿猴粉送來狗隻作伴,Yuga Labs 官方自然就讓 BAYC (Bored Ape Yacht Club) 的擁有者取得 BAKC 狗狗的優先鑄造權。 BAYC 擁有者只需要支付 Gas fee ( 即手續費 ), 即可鑄造狗狗與他們的猿猴作伴。在造型設計 上,BAKC 同樣沿用了 BAYC 猿猴的肖像風格,主要的差別在於猿猴的背景只有顏色,而狗狗背景則增加了不同的風景電腦演算的混和匹配,兩個系列各創作出總數限量 10,000 件作品,由於不是所有猿猴擁有者都決定鑄造狗狗,剩餘作品由官方出售。 The story of the Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAYC) does not stop. The advent of the Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAKC) is due to the background of ""Ape Fashion"". The official of Yuga Labs decided to send dogs as companions for the group of ape fans. Since it is for ape fans having dogs as companions, the official of Yuga Labs let the collector of BAYC have the priority to get dogs. Which means the ape owners only have to pay gas fees for the dogs. Both series have 10,000 editions. Since not all ape owners decide to have dogs, the remaining works are sold by the Yuga Labs official. 特徵 ( 稀有度 ) Traits (Rarity) BACKGROUND: Swamp (25%) EYES: Sunglasses (3%) FUR: Cheetah (6%) HEAD: Cowboy Hat (3%) MOUTH: Panting (2%) 來源 Provenance YUGA Labs Acquired from the above by the present owner 智能合約地址 Smart contract address 0xba30E5F9Bb24caa003E9f2f0497Ad287FDF95623 ERC-721, minted in 2021