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嶺東科技大學 創意產品設計系

蜜蜂授粉-概念飾品 - Bee Pollination-Concept Accessories
蜜蜂授粉-概念飾品 - Bee Pollination-Concept Accessories


蜜蜂授粉-概念飾品 - Bee Pollination-Concept Accessories

陳宇翔 - Chen,Yu-Hsiang

環境變遷使蜜蜂數量下滑恐造成生態浩劫。設計以蜜蜂滅絕的未來為情境,強調授粉意象並轉化蜜蜂造型融合科技元素,試圖表達生物未來形變的樣貌,進而省思生態保育的重要。 - The extreme weather, overused of pesticide and chemical fertilize have caused the large decline of bee population. It not only changes the agriculture industry, but also shows a serious threat to a wide variety of species. Inspired by the concept of bee extinction in 2050. This work simulates the hand-pollination process by using the symbols of pollination into designs. In order to remind everyone the importance of bees and ecological conservation.