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景文科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

【 哩甘災 】
【 哩甘災 】


【 哩甘災 】

▍林怡萱 ▍游皓壬 ▍姜子薇 ▍張淯琳 ▍吳沁娟

回歸當時接收資訊的主要方式,帶領眾人了解最早期報紙規格及排版,內容訴說從古至今流傳下來的種種迷信,喚起回憶中瑣碎日常,透過讀報解開記憶中的謎團,深入了解其中的緣由。 Returning to the main way of receiving information at that time, leading people to understand the specifications and layout of the earliest newspapers, the content tells various superstitions handed down from ancient times to the present, evokes the trivial daily life in the memory, and solves the mysteries in the memory through reading the newspaper, and deeply understand the reasons.