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景文科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

【 癮導線 】
【 癮導線 】


【 癮導線 】

▍曾文俐 ▍徐佳伶 ▍劉晉汶 ▍鄭宇伶

以諧音取名為「癮導線」,「癮」代表故事中「 引導」的含意。​即使知道這些癮會造成不良後果,但人們依舊持續下去。 帶大家了解、聆聽這些「癮」的成因、過程與結果。 It is named "addiction lead" in harmonics, and "addiction" represents the meaning of "guidance" in the story. Even when it is known that these addictions have adverse consequences, people continue to do so. Take everyone to understand and listen to the causes, processes and results of these addictions.