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景文科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

【 濛濛 】
【 濛濛 】


【 濛濛 】

▍鄺雪儀 ▍林言臻 ▍蔡佳琪 ▍邱詩容 ▍廖羿茹 ▍陳冠慈

四季、犬的溫泉禮盒,推廣陽明山特色白磺。包裝上皆有對應陽明山季節的花型以及周圍四座山線,上層為內容物,下層浴衣。犬包裝為單層,陽明山特色動物。 Four seasons and dogs' hot spring gift boxs to promote Yangmingshan's “white sulphur”. There are flower patterns corresponding to the seasons of Yangmingshan and four surrounding mountain lines on the packaging,on the top is the content, and bottom is the yukata. Dog packaging is a single layer, with Yangmingshan characteristic animals.