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景文科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

【 貢好哩哉 】
【 貢好哩哉 】


【 貢好哩哉 】

▍蕭瑋嬣 ▍黃心怡 ▍吳宇恩 ▍徐羽彤 ▍王俐心

名稱意義除了台語【說給你知道】也有【貢寮的好告訴你】的意思。利用四季的推薦景點設計手冊地圖,依照各季節的推薦行程配上貢好哩哉APP,讓大家來到貢寮增加互動趣味。 數位互動設計 將拋下傳統古板的意念,利用現今的科技製作貢寮專屬的APP,以活潑的形象與行銷傳播介紹貢寮,廣泛推廣當地的特色和優點,將貢寮區創造成從鄉下轉型成功的熱門觀光景點。 In addition to the Taiwanese meaning of the name, it also means "the one in Gongliao is good to tell you". Using the recommended scenic spots in the four seasons to design the manual map, according to the recommended itinerary of each season, together with the Gonghao Lizai APP, let everyone come to Gongliao to increase the interaction and fun. Abandoning traditional and old-fashioned ideas, we will make use of today's technology to create an exclusive app for Gongliao, introduce Gongliao with a lively image and marketing communications, and widely promote local characteristics and advantages, making Gongliao a popular destination for successful transformation from the countryside. Sightseeing spots.