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景文科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

【 蹦米坊 】
【 蹦米坊 】


【 蹦米坊 】

▍林卓瑩 ▍陳星岑 ▍陳玟伶 ▍林子潔 ▍歐芷綾

隨著科技的進步與思維的創新,有些傳統已經慢慢被忘記,我們把米香結合抓周文化,跳脫傳統的包裝,重新定義米香的方向,帶給新生兒新鮮卻又不失古早味的禮物。 Zhuazhou is a traditional culture in Chinese. But during the technology development. People will forget this culture. We combine puffed rice and Zhuazhou, design the new package for puffed rice and replace the item that use in Zhuazhou . Let the Zhuazhou more popular between the new generation parents and babies.