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國立臺灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

思考演化#1 : 鸚鵡螺(菊石) Think Evolution #1 : Kikuishi (Ammonite)


思考演化#1 : 鸚鵡螺(菊石) Think Evolution #1 : Kikuishi (Ammonite)


2016-17 1 min 58 sec 高解析錄像 HD video 作品介紹: 透明的都市做成寄居蟹的殼 〈給寄居蟹一個家〉 等,AKI INOMATA 的作品圍繞在與生物周遭的關係延伸,甚或是彼此間的關聯性。 本次展出作品 〈思考演化#1:鸚鵡螺(菊石)〉 是由電腦斷層掃描化石的數據,還原出土的菊石貝殼形狀,試圖透過菊石與進化中捨棄貝殼的章魚相遇,進行思想實驗。菊石在經歷了3 億年的繁榮之後, 6600 萬年前與恐龍一起滅絕。透過菊石化石與外殼結構,可推測菊石與花枝、章魚應該是近親關係,而章魚拋棄外殼後,開始使用椰子殼、雙殼等道具來保護柔軟的身體。滅絕的菊石與演化至今的章魚原本是絕不會相遇的兩種生物,但透過數位科技,扭曲時空描繪出 「或許可行的另一種未來」。 藝術家介紹: 1983 年出生並現居於東京。 2008 年東京藝術大學研究所美術研究科先端藝術表現專攻碩士課程畢業。2017 年接受亞洲文化協會補助前往美國。作品主要訴說與生物周遭的關係延伸,甚或是彼此間的關聯性。重要作品有透明的都市做成寄居蟹殼的〈給寄居蟹一個家〉(やどかりに「やど」をわたしてみる)、將作家愛犬的毛和作家的頭髮做成斗篷,穿戴於彼此身上的〈我穿狗毛斗蓬、狗穿我頭髮的斗篷〉(犬の毛を私がまとい、私の髪を犬がまとう)等。 曾於南特美術館(南特)、十和田市現代美術館(青森)、北九州市立美術館(福岡)等舉辦個展之外,亦參與2021 年「Broken Nature」 ,MoMA(紐約)、2019 年 「第22 回米蘭三年展」 ,三年展設計美術館(米蘭)、2018 年 「泰國雙年展」(喀比)等展出。 Work Statement: In Why Not Hand Over a “Shelter” to Hermit Crabs?, AKI INOMATA creates transparent city-like shells for hermit crabs. AKI INOMATA strives to create works that are inspired by or explore bio-relevance. In Think Evolution #1: Kuku-ishi (Ammonite), shown in this exhibition she tries to carry out an experiment of thinking. According to CT scan data of fossils, she restores the shape of an unearthed ammonite, allowing it to meet with octopus that has abandoned its shell through the process of evolution. After nearly 300 million years of prominence, ammonites became extinct some 66 million years ago around the same time as dinosaurs. Judging from the structure of its shell, ammonite is believed to be closely related to cuttlefish and octopus. On the other hand, octopus has abandoned its shell, and uses other props, such as coconut shells and shells, to protect its own soft body. It is impossible that the two species, ammonite that has become extinct and octopus that has survived until today, will encounter e ach o ther. AKI INOMATA uses digital technology to twist time and space, and depicts“another possible future.” Biography: Born 1983 in Tokyo, Japan, where she is currently based. After graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2008, she stayed in New York on an Individual Fellowship Grant from the Asian Cultural Council. Focusing on how the act of “making” is not exclusive to mankind, AKI INOMATA develops co-creation with nonhuman animals into artworks. She presents what is born out of her interactions with living creatures as well as the relationship between humans and animals. Her major artworks include Why Not Hand Over a “Shelter” to Hermit Crabs?, in which she created city-like shells for hermit crabs, and I Wear the Dog’s Hair, and the Dog Wears My Hair, in which the artist and her dog wear capes made out of each other’s respective hair. She has had solo exhibitions at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes (Nantes, France), Towada Art Center (Aomori, Japan), Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art (Fukuoka, Japan); group exhibitions included “Broken Nature”, MoMA, NYC, USA (2021), “The XXII Triennale di Milano”, La Triennale di Milano, Milan, Italy (2019), “Thailand Biennale 2018”, Krabi, Thailand (2018). 攝影:ANPIS FOTO 王世邦。國立臺灣美術館提供。 Photographer: Anpis Wang. Courtesy of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.