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朝陽科技大學 工業設計系

科技登山杖 - self protecting-alpenstoc
科技登山杖 - self protecting-alpenstoc


科技登山杖 - self protecting-alpenstoc

吳訓漢、朱柏勳 - SHIUN-HAN-WU, po-hsun-CHU

新型冠狀病毒席捲全球,世界各國觀光旅遊業受到重創。促使大幅度提升爬山、野營等戶外活動,山難事件也大幅度提升,其中迷路佔最多數,為了減少山難的發生事件,也讓更多的初學者接觸這項運動,所設計了這款登山輔具將AR技術結合GPS地圖與現代科技結合到登山杖上,讓地圖更清楚更直覺,有效減少迷路的山難 - The coronavirus pandemic rips through the world, the tourism industry has taken a hit. As a result, the number of people engaged in outdoor activities such as mountain climbing and camping has increased, leading to increased mountain disasters, of which people are losing their way the most. Self-Protecting-Alpenstock combined AR technology with GPS maps to make the map clearer and effectively reduce going the wrong way in the mountain to reduce mountain disasters.