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朝陽科技大學 工業設計系

自然升音 - Natural Sound
自然升音 - Natural Sound


自然升音 - Natural Sound

林孟璇、楊子誼、楊又潔 - Lin,Meng-Syuan, Yang,Tzu-Yi, Yang,Yu-Chieh

音樂環繞在我們生活當中,在家總少不了音樂的陪伴,但長期使用藍芽喇叭會對人體產生不良影響。 將音樂帶入傢俱,透過木頭傳遞最自然的聲音,並設計了桌面能夠放置手機的擴音座,利用圓筒對音樂加以共鳴,進而提升音量,讓音樂以最原始的方式充斥居家空間,為家中增添一份舒服放鬆的氛圍,陪伴你我重要的居家時光。 - Music surrounds our lives, and music accompanies us at home, but long-term use of Bluetooth speakers can have a bad effect on our bodies. Bring music into the furniture to convey the most natural sound through the wood, and designing a speaker stand for a cell phone on the desktop, using the cylinder to resonate with the music, allowing the music to fill the living space in the most primitive way, add a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere to your home, accompany you to spend the important time with us.