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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系




蔡稚稜, 楊宜娟, 唐菀儷, 楊慈雲, 林于筑, 呂欣宜 - Tsai,Chih-Leng, Yang,I-Chuan, Tang,Wan-Li, Yang,Ci-Yun, Lin,Yu-Zhu, Lu,Xin-Yi

「有狀礦」這個益智遊戲品牌的背景是台灣曾因礦而興盛,時至今日某些地方仍在採礦,在2020年關西地區恢復礦產爭議發生後,復礦議題再次浮出檯面。復礦後帶來的影響,是人們被迫移居搬遷,但卻能為這塊土地帶來極為可觀的收益。因此,「有狀礦」採用益教寓樂的方式,將復礦議題與桌上型互動遊戲做結合設計,把艱深難以理解的議題變得更淺顯易懂。在遊戲設定方面,其中一派玩家將代表居民,另一派玩家則是代表商人,還原居民及商人處境或者狀況,讓玩家們能更身歷其境,在遊戲結束時,玩家們搭配網頁或者app,更能提升對復礦議題背景的理解程度。另外,「有狀礦」希望營造成雙贏的局面,更加貼合現實層面。在現實層面中,商人及居民傾向於,雙方都能接受的結果,所以,在這個遊戲結束之後,並不會出現所謂的”贏家及輸家”,有別於先前的桌遊種類。 - "Yojunkon" is a brand of puzzle interactive games. The background is that Taiwan used to have excellent economic development due to mining. Mining is still being carried out in some places. After the dispute over the restoration of minerals in the Kansai region in 2020. The issue of re-mining has surfaced again. The impact of the re-mining is that people are forced to relocate, but it can bring extremely considerable benefits to the land. In terms of game settings, one group of players will represent residents, and the other group of players will represent businessmen, restoring the situation or situation of residents and businessmen, so that players can be more immersive. Improves understanding of the context of recovery mining issues.In addition, "Yojunkon" hopes to achieve a win-win situation, which is more realistic. In reality, merchants and residents tend to favour outcomes that are acceptable to both parties, so after this game is over, there will be no so-called "winners and losers", which is different from previous board game types.