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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

迎王 - Wangye Worshipping
迎王 - Wangye Worshipping


迎王 - Wangye Worshipping

王暐辰, 黃浡珅, 陳弘叡, 苗烜滕 - Wang,Wei-Chen, Huang,Po-Shen, Cheng,Hung-Jui, Miao,Hxang-Teng

臺灣「東港迎王祭」是國家無形文化重要資產,在過去迎王祭所展現的民間宗教信仰特色、儀式縝密的程序以及文化歷史,不僅成為廣為人知的祭典活動,其內涵與技藝美感,更具有教育意義及文化象徵。東港迎王祭保留了全世界最完整的王爺信仰文化,更為臺灣無形文化資產的代表之一,然而隨著社會不斷的變遷,迎王祭的獨特價值與傳統文化逐漸被忽視。因此,本設計以儀式文化結合圖錄教育,透過複合材料結合傳統色彩,以及充滿儀式感的造型結構,呈現迎王祭光彩奪目且撼動人心的永恆;設計萃取文化元素進行文創設計之應用研發,製作迎王祭複合式圖解書冊與模型組合包、出版廣宣設計品;閱讀者可以實際組裝的模型體驗迎王祭造船美感,讓傳統文化透過互動教育方式重新讓大眾了解其藝術價值,提升大眾對文化資產保存興趣。 - The Donggang Wangye Worshipping Ceremony is an important legacy of Taiwan’s intangible culture that demonstrates folk religion characteristics, precise ceremonial procedures, and a rich cultural history. Featuring the most comprehensive Wangye religion and culture in the world, the Donggang Wangye Worshipping Ceremony is one of the most representative examples of Taiwan’s intangible cultural heritage. Nevertheless, the ceremony’s unique values and traditional culture have gradually faded away under continuous social change. That is why this design combines ritualistic culture with catalog education to illustrate the ceremony’s brilliance and sensation through composite materials, traditional colors, and ritualistic styles and structures. The design applies cultural elements to creative research and development to produce illustrated books, model sets, and advertising products about the Wangye Worshipping Ceremony. Readers may assemble the models and experience the aesthetics of the ceremony’s shipbuilding. This interactive approach not only introduces the artistic values of traditional culture to the public, but also promotes a general interest in cultural heritage.