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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

笑年ㄟ! - HAHA GUYS!
笑年ㄟ! - HAHA GUYS!


笑年ㄟ! - HAHA GUYS!

林思羽, 黃慈慧, 楊若妤, 張曦文, 林郁惠, 蕭有涵 - Lin,Sz-Yu, Huang,Tzu,Hui, YANG,Ruo-Yu, Chang,Hsi-Wen, Lin,Yu-Hui, Hsiao,Yu Han

「笑年ㄟ!」以台語文化結合台灣本土時尚,設計穿搭、民生日常、娛樂三本生活誌,帶領大家探索台語背後包含長輩們的生活智慧,使台語更貼近生活,進而成為新的時尚潮流。 - 「HAHA GUYS!」The Taiwanese culture combined with Taiwan local fashion, includes three lifestyle magazines: Dressing, Daily Life and Entertainment Design, leading audience to explore the wisdom of the elders behind the Taiwanese language, making it more relevant to your life and becoming a new fashion trend.