2008 –
此系列受魯夫購得的電磁學古籍啟發,其中一本是英國物理學家馬克士威爾(James Clerk Maxwell,1831-1879)的書籍,內有銅版版畫的磁場插圖。這些精細的交織線條不受制於任何美學標準,構成十分有趣的線性現象,使魯夫聯想到抽象畫或極簡藝術。好奇於這種繪畫在立體空間中的樣貌,他開始玩弄 3D 電腦程式,將線性代數的複雜方程式,以視覺方式呈現在平面或立體空間當中。利用多種擺線(在數學裡視為「最有美感的曲線」)數學方程式,魯夫創作出虛擬的複雜立體線條結構。接著針對這些本質上再現邏輯曲線的結構,拍攝多張特寫,使人乍看難以發覺這些影像原來脫胎自數學。反之,讓人聯想到的是行星軌道、磁場線條、曲帶或圓環、抽象藝術的線形畫,或音樂的振盪效果。
2008 –
Inkjet print on canvas
Virtual drawings created at the computer
The series was inspired by antiquarian books on electromagnetism Ruff had purchased, among others by British physicist James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879), which was illustrated by copper-point engravings of magnetic fields. These fine weaves of lines that are subject to no aesthetic criteria constitute highly interesting linear phenomena and reminded Ruff of Abstract drawings or of Minimal Art. Wondering how such drawings could look in three-dimensional space, he started toying with a 3D computer program for the visualization of complex formula from linear algebra in 2D and 3D space. By means of the mathematic formulae for various cycloids (which are viewed in mathematics as "the most aesthetic curves") Ruff then created virtual complex 3D line structures.
He then took various close-up shots of these structures, which represent intrinsically logical curves, such that you can no longer discern their origin in mathematics. Instead they bring to mind planetary orbits, the lines of magnetic fields, curved strips or loops, line drawings in abstract art, or musical oscillations.