以蛇腹相機(4x5 吋艾特康彩色底片)拍攝而成
1992 年進行「合成人臉」議題的研究時,夫發現名為「美能達蒙太奇單元」(Minolta Montage Unit)的設備,一種七〇年代德國國家調查局用以製作嫌犯人像拼圖的影像裝置。該裝置利用鏡片,將四個肖像照片合成新的肖像照片。此後魯夫便試圖重建人像面容,但現在他更有興趣的是以人工建構出可能的面容,以取代真實的面容。他想要探討攝影史上這類重複出現的影像操弄(無論是重複曝光、影像修飾、暗房技術,或今天的數位影像處理),但不用以上所探討的技術。他的作法是讓影像出現在相機前,並以單次拍攝記錄下來。因此魯夫自柏林的警察史博物館借用這個裝置,每次將兩張自己的肖像照片合成為一張肖像相片,接著將新影像以攝影捕捉,製作投影膠片作為絹印之基礎。
Silkscreen on paper
Photographed with a plate camera (4 x 5 inch Ektachrome)
In 1992, while conducting research into the issue of "composite faces" Ruff came across the so-called Minolta Montage Unit, an imagegenerating device used by some of the State Bureaus of Investigation in the 1970s in order to create identikit images. The device uses mirror optics to splice four portrait photos into a single new portrait. While Ruff had hitherto tried to reconstruct faces, he now found it more interesting to construct artificial faces not taken from reality but nevertheless conceivable. He wanted to address this type of image manipulation recurs in the history of photography (be it by double exposure, touching up, various darkroom techniques or now with digital image processing) without actually using one of the techniques in question. The idea was for the image to arise before the camera and to be recorded in a single shot. Ruff therefore borrowed such a device from the Polizeihistorische Sammlung in Berlin and combined two of his own portrait photos in each case to create a new portrait. He then photographed the new image made in this way and used the slide as the basis for a silkscreen.