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新聞影像 Newspaper photographs



新聞報導 press++
新聞報導 press++


新聞報導 press++

湯瑪斯.魯夫 Thomas Ruff

2015 – 感光相紙輸出 經數位處理之新聞相片 《新聞報導》系列的原始素材,大多來自美國報章雜誌資料庫中,三〇年代至八〇年代的黑白新聞相片。湯瑪斯.魯夫掃描、結合原始文件的正反面,將經部份編輯過的相片正面,與背面所有的文字、說明和使用痕跡合而為一。在大幅輸出後,對這類攝影的輕蔑處理變的清晰可見,畢竟對報紙編輯來說,這些相片不具有任何美學價值,不過是沒有藝術價值的資訊溝通手段。近似於自己九〇年代早期的《新聞影像》 (Newspaper Photographs)系列,魯夫在此選擇的影像涵蓋新聞報導的各個面向――從政治、社會、科學、科技、文化到時尚皆有之。 2015 – Chromogenic prints Digitally processed press photographs The source material for the series press++ are mainly black-and-white press photographs from the 1930s up to 1980s, originating primarily from the archives of American newspapers and magazines. Thomas Ruff scanned the front and back sides of the original documents and combined the two sides, in order to merge the partially edited photograph on the front side with all the texts, comments, and traces of use on the back side. The disrespectful treatment of this type of photography becomes visible when printed in large format, since, for the editors of newspapers, these photographs are not aesthetically valuable products but merely transmitters of information without artistic value. Similar to the Newspaper photographs from the early 1990s, Thomas Ruff chose images that cover all aspects of newspaper reportage – from politics to society, from science to technology, for culture to fashion.


新聞影像 Newspaper photographs

