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轉譯再造 - Re:coder


朝陽科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

設計把複雜與虛幻的東西轉譯成簡、實、真的統合符號,就像穿透透鏡的光線,讓光芒分色出不同的形色。轉譯後的意念成為實體、賦予形色與材質,使外界得以感知和碰觸,一窺那些虛晃不定的思緒。 人類用五感感知世界,感知信息的方式是在共和代碼中想像與解義,在物品發送信號、傳遞、接收、轉譯、理解的過程中,以最為核心的共通原理遞送信息。正因為符號必須藉由抽象化的行為凝聚虛幻的想法,進而會保留實體物件缺少的想像空間。 實體物件與抽象代碼的融合,前者以具體帶出定性意象,後者則是以抽象代碼將賦予意義的權利全權交給讀者。活在這個的人們都帶者自己的故事與經驗前行,這些個異性像是無窮的藍天,交織共和下,得以於其中放入無限意義,這個時代的每個人都像是Recoder,以自我的視角全新建構當代的未來。而在集體望向未來的當下,個體間無意識中交疊的共同意識產生的接合點,就像人文明交織出的火光,向未來奔放。 Design is an iterative process which transforms intangible ideas and concepts into tangible, simplified symbols, allowing humans to perceive and interact with visual arts. This process of transformation is akin to a prism dispersing light into different colours – intangible consciousness is transformed into an entity that exudes texture and hue. It is through this procedure that we are able to observe, experience and interact with the world around us. The sensation is the only method by which humans can interact with the external environment. It provides us with the opportunity to interpret the undefined signifier and to use that interpretation to communicate our ideas, impressions, and thoughts with others. This process of communication is of utmost importance, as it allows us to propagate the emblem, to disseminate, obtain, transmute, and understand the artwork we create. Tangible entities are combined with abstract symbols, providing the message we wish to communicate in the artwork, while abstract symbols grant receivers the opportunity to expand their imaginations and interpretations. Everyone views the artwork differently, incorporating their own life experiences and individual interpretations into the narrative. It is as if a vast sky is embracing all components, providing a space for all of us to explore. In this generation, we all have the capability to be Recorders, to form our future through impressions and consciousness. When we look towards the future with a collective vision, the counterpoint will bring forth a powerful energy of life, illuminating our culture, and allowing us to find purpose in our creations.

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