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中華大學 工業產品設計學系

守窩 Karesansui Gecko Feeding Box
守窩 Karesansui Gecko Feeding Box


守窩 Karesansui Gecko Feeding Box


設計說明 : 「守窩」是專為小地棲型守宮設計的飼育箱,以枯山水風格融入守宮飼育時的用具,功能齊全亦兼具觀賞性,子母分離的設計可與延伸產品「守袋」結合,方便將守宮攜帶外出。 "Karesansui Gecko Feeding Box" is desiging forsmall ground-dwelling geckos. With karesansuistyle Collocation and utensil of fostering gecko, this feeding box is not only with complete functions but it also preferably be ornamental. Gecko Carry Bag can be separated from the feeding box to make it more convenient carring out.