指導老師:曾光宗 Guang-Zong Zeng
基地位置:十四張, 新北市 Shisizang, New Taipei City
基地面積:300,000 m2
人類曾經依附在自然的規則中生存,尋找適合的道路遷徙,選擇肥沃的土地耕種。適應環境的種種變化,本應當是我們做為地球生物的一項本能。但全球重商主義與台灣現有的開發狀態下,獲利的誘惑遮蔽了我們的雙眼: 我們開始習慣借用他人的經濟規則開發自己的國土,被看似穩定的收入與股市麻痺,任由虛假的規範改變我們所處空間的彈性。
Human beings used to live by the rules of nature, looking for suitable roads for migration, and choosing fertile land for cultivation. Adapting to the various changes in the environment should be an instinct for us as earth creatures. But under the current state of global mercantilism and Taiwan’s current development, the temptation to make a profit obscures our eyes: we have become accustomed to borrowing other people’s economic rules to develop our own land, paralyzed by the seemingly stable income and stock market, and letting it be false. The norms change the flexibility of the space in which we live.
If I try to correct the existing bad cycle and the relationship between space and environment is very close, I start to think about a new space system and operating rules. Re-rezoning focuses on the issue of rezoning, through systematic discussions, trying to restart the urban state that has been standardized and thinking, and create a new value, based on indicators such as localization, flexibility, and degree of composite positioning. Develop an ideal urban structure.
It is the first hurdle to break people's established impression of urban nature. It has a strong sense of life and makes people aware of the contrast between reality and ideal, with a continuous reactionary state.
After disturbing the uncertainty, it gives people a possibility to reshape values. It can clearly define the level of nature in design and derive a strong central idea.
It can confirm the interdependence between nature and man, allowing residents under the system to establish new behavior patterns that coexist with nature, and take the opportunity to promote the advocacy of new values and the opportunity for permanent operation of the system.