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國立臺灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts


國立臺灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

國立臺灣美術館於民國77年(1988年)開館。以視覺藝術為主導,典藏並研究臺灣現代與當代美術發展特色,致力於多樣性的主題規劃特展與藝術教育推廣活動,提供民眾多元化欣賞藝術的環境。 以臺灣美術為研究核心,本館以建構臺灣美術史的詮釋內容與詮釋體系,開拓對美術發展現象及議題的多面向探討,創造數位及跨領域藝術發展之平臺,以擴大與國際相關藝術機構對話的空間,結合典藏、展覽、推廣等功能,打造兼具專業性、教育性與未來發展性的公共美術館。 依據三大核心主軸:「臺灣美術發展脈絡」、「媒材類別發展脈絡」、「藝術家風格與系譜」,本館研究調查國內外藝術生態與發展,近年並兼顧亞洲藝術家作品典藏,期能深化臺灣與亞洲當代藝術發展研究,拓展臺灣藝術與國際接軌的面寬和能量。累積的藏品,是建構臺灣美術史發展脈絡與研究藝術家風格表現之重要資產,亦可視為臺灣各時期社會脈動、經濟與文化發展樣貌的縮影。 本館並肩負守護臺灣美術資產的重任,建置圖像與文字豐富的多元資料庫,強化以資訊科技輔助藏品之自動化管理與服務機制,守護且活用本館所典藏的藝術資產,成為國家文化競爭力的資本與全民共享的資源。 身為國家級美術館,本館除了以展現臺灣藝術創作的特色與發展自許,更積極強化藝術研究、延展臺灣藝術的系譜研究、開展國際對話與視野,提升國家文化藝術的內在精神與涵養。在文化交流上,則強化館際合作,並與國際接軌,加強與國內、外美術館和專家學者的共同合作,規劃啟發視覺文化、分享藝術價值的展覽活動;同時以多元化的推廣藝術教育活動,引介臺灣藝術的特色,讓民眾了解藝術的精華,而達到以藝術向下紮根並向上延展文化認知的目標。 The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMoFA) was founded in 1988. The NTMoFA is dedicated to the education and promotion of visual arts. It places great emphasis on collecting works by Taiwanese artists and exploring unique characteristics of modern and contemporary Taiwanese arts. Its aims are: to organize the most diverse range of themed visual art exhibitions, to foster long-term art exchanges with overseas institutions, to actively participate in major international events, to promote art education, and to provide the public with a pleasing and multi-faceted environment for viewing art. The NTMoFA has primarily focused its research work on the fine arts of Taiwan. The Museum's research team sets the agenda and direction for the permanent exhibitions. From 2007 onward, the NTMoFA has organized permanent exhibitions on significant works from the NTMoFA's permanent collection. An all-encompassing artistic and educational institution, the NTMoFA serves multiple functions as an art collector, exhibition organizer and learning resource provider. The NTMoFA charts the trajectory of Taiwanese arts with its unique collection of artworks by Taiwanese artists from the 18th century to the present day. Its permanent collection includes artworks and historical documentation from Ming-Qing Dynasties, through the era of Japanese Colonial Era and the Modernist period, to the post-war period. To convincingly articulate the diversity of Taiwanese fine arts and its developments and transitions over time, the NTMoFA presents its collection of Taiwanese artworks based on two dimensions of development. Whereas the vertical axis charts the historical contexts of Taiwanese fine arts, the horizontal axis shows a genealogy of artists and their works. The presentation gives a clear picture of how artists and their works may relate to the social-historical contexts from which they have emerged and prospered. Digitalization of the museum collection and documentation has not only enabled the NTMoFA to manage and maintain its art collection with more efficiency, but also effectively enhanced understanding and dialogues among the art community worldwide, as it provides international art lovers with fast and easy access to the wealth of Taiwanese art and its diverse and unique characteristics. The NTMoFA is a national art museum dedicated to the research, education and promotion of Taiwanese art. In terms of research, the museum continues to concentrate on tracing the genealogy of Taiwanese arts. In terms of education, its aim is to enhance the artistic capacity of the nation. It should also be highlighted that the NTMoFA has always been a true ambassador of Taiwanese art, as it seeks to promote international cultural exchange by actively participating in international art exhibitions, and by collaborating with international arts-and-cultural organizations and individual experts in organizing arts events. By providing a diverse range of arts and educational activities, the NTMoFA introduces to the public the characteristics of Taiwanese arts and help the visitors appreciate the beauty of art. The ultimate aim of the Museum is to extend and deepen the public's interest in arts.
蓊鬱─百歲前輩典範 Luxuriance―Paragons of Centenarians


蓊鬱─百歲前輩典範 Luxuriance―Paragons of Centenarians

石川欽一郎、倪蔣懷、陳澄波、余承堯、呂鐵州、吳李玉哥、郭柏川、廖繼春、李梅樹、藍蔭鼎、顏水龍、楊啟東、林玉山、陳慧坤、李澤藩、陳進、沈耀初、楊三郎、郭雪湖、李石樵、葉火城、張萬傳、蔡蔭堂、劉啟祥、葉醉白、張啟華、陳德旺、許玉燕、吳棟材、陳敬輝、蘇秋東、袁樞真、劉其偉、洪瑞麟、陳永森、陳清汾、陳庭詩、張義雄、呂基正、鄭世璠、江寶珠、林之助、鐘泗濱、許深州、蔡草如、羅美棧、許武勇、洪通、廖德政 Ishikawa Kinichiro, Ni Chiang-Huai, Chen Cheng-Po, Yu Cheng-Yao, Lu Tieh-Chou, Wu Li Yu-Ge, Kuo Po-Chuan, Liao Chi-Chun, Li Mei-Shu, Lan Yin-Ding, Yan Shuei-Long, Yang Chi-Tong, Lin Yu-Shan, Chen Hui-Kun, Lee Tze-Fan, Chen Chin, Shen Yau-Chu, Yang San-Lang, Kuo Hsueh-Hu, Li Shih-Chiao, Yeh Huo-Cheng, Chang Wan-Chuan, Tsai In-Tang, Liu Chi-Hsiang, Yeh Tsui-Pai, Chang Chi-Hua, Chen Te-Wang, Syu Yu-Yan, Wu Dung-Tsai, Chen Jing-Hui, Su Chiou-Dung, Yuan Shu-Jen, Liu Max C.W., Hung Rui-Lin, Chen Yung-Sen, Chen Ching-Fen, Chen Ting-Shih, Chang Yi-Hsiung, Lu Ghi-Cheng, Cheng Shih-Fan, Chiang Pao-Chu, Lin Chih-Chu, Cheong Soo-Pieng, Hsu Chen-Chou, Tsai Cao-Ju, Lo Mei-Chan, Hsu Wu-Yung, Hung Tong, Liao Te-Cheng.
豐采─豐實、沈澱、光采 Diversity―Abundance, Contemplation and Radiance


豐采─豐實、沈澱、光采 Diversity―Abundance, Contemplation and Radiance

陳其寬、吳承硯、蔣瑞坑、林顯模、王藍、金潤作、蕭如松、陳慶熇、席德進、徐藍松、張炳南、沈國仁、李洸洋、江兆申、楊乾鐘、賴傳鑑、沈哲哉、林天瑞、郭東榮、江漢東、曾培堯、張炳堂、何肇衢、吳昊、何文杞、陳銀輝、鄭善禧、秦松、馮騰慶、林壽宇、林顯宗、高山嵐、陳景容、羅清雲、曾茂煌、王守英、梁丹丰、董日福、歐豪年、陳誠、陳瑞福、陳正雄、潘景友 Chen Chi-Kuan, Wu Cheng-Yen, Chiang Jui-Keng, Lin Shian-Mo, Wang Lan, Chin Jun-Tso, Hsiao Ju-Sung, Chen Ching-Kau, Shiy Der-Jinn, Shiu Lan-Sung, Chang Ping-Nan, Shen Kuo-Jen, Li Kuang-Yang, Chiang Chao-Shen, Yang Chien-Chung, Lai Chuan-Chien, Shen Che-Tsai, Lin Tian-Ruei, Guo Dung-Rung, Chiang Han-Tung, Tseng Pei-Yao, Chang Ping-Tang, Ho Chao-Chu, Wu Hao, Boonky Ho, Chen Yin-Huei, Cheng Shan-Hsi, Chin Sung, Feng Teng-Ching, Richard Lin, Lin Hsien-Tsung, Gao Shan-Lan, Chen Ching-Jung, Lo Ching-Yun, Tzeng Mau-Huang, Wang Shou-Ying, Liang Dan-Feng, Dong Ri-Fu, Ou Hau-Nian, Chen Cheng, Chen Ruei-Fu, Chen Cheng-Hsiung, Pan Ching-Yu.
斐然─跨越時代的一代 Brilliance―The Epoch-Crossing Generation


斐然─跨越時代的一代 Brilliance―The Epoch-Crossing Generation

張義、陳錦芳、廖修平、林智信、蘇嘉男、陳國展、杜若洲、戚維義、藍清輝、林榮德、王再添、張秋台、謝里法、朱銘、劉耿一、潘朝森、陳輝東、侯壽峰、黃照芳、楊興生、石嵩、林惺嶽、謝孝德、陳英德、李茂宗、李義弘、姚慶章、黃志超、陳昭宏、陳重文、江明賢、冉茂芹、王雙寬、賴武雄、吳炫三、江韶瑩、陳文石、林文強、顧重光、席慕蓉、陳政宏、藍榮賢、王美幸 Cheung Yee, T.F. Chen, Liao Shiou-Ping, Lin Chih-Hsin, Su Chia-Nan, Chen Kuo-Chan, Du Ruo-Jhou, Chi Wei-Yi, Lan Ching-Hui, Lin Rong-De, Wang Tsai-Tien, Chang Chiu-Tai, Shaih Li-Fa, Ju Ming, Liu Keng-I, Pan Chaur-Sen, Chen Huei-Tung, Hou Shou-Feng, Huang Chao-Fang, Yang Hsing-Sheng, Shih Sung, Lin Hsin-Yueh, Hsieh Hsiao-De, Chen Ying-De, Li Mao-Tzung, Li Yi-Hung, Yao Ching-Jang, Dennis Huang, Hilo Chen, Chen Chung-Wen, Chiang Ming-Shyan, Yim Mau-Kun, Wang Shuang-Kuan, Lai Wu-Hsiung, Wu A-Sun, Chiang Shao-Ying, Chen Stone, Lin Wen-Chiang, Koo Chung-Kuang, Xi Mu-Rong, Chen Cheng-Hung, Lan Jung-Hsien, Wang Mei-Shing.
初炳─當代新風貌 Emergence―New Ethos of the Contemporaneity


初炳─當代新風貌 Emergence―New Ethos of the Contemporaneity

李欽賢、李淑櫻、陳陽春、戴壁吟、許坤成、蔡蕙香、施並錫、林人信、黃銘哲、陳主明、林順雄、吳永欽、袁金塔、曹志漪、江隆芳、許郭璜、蔡永明、陳幸婉、李隆吉、劉白、曾孝德、李健儀、吳祚昌、詹金水、陳東元、翁清土、鄭在東、賴純純、黃楫、馮盛光、梅丁衍、粘素真、陳飛龍、謝明錩、楊永福、于彭、顏貽成、許自貴、薛保瑕、楊恩生、詹楊彬、葉子奇、程代勒、張振宇、白丰中、簡正雄、王微微、陳香吟、李仁豪、鄭榮得、李柏毅、蔣中山、韓道希、載琴琴、柯翠娟、任竹章、孫萍花、瞿立齊、趙修 Li Chin-Hsien, Nami Yang, Chen Yang-Chun, Dai Bi-Yin, Shiu Kuen-Cheng, Tsai Huai-Shion, Shih Bing-Shyi, Lin Jen-Hsin, Michell Huang, Chen Tsu-Ming, Lin Shun-Shiung, Wu Yung-Chin, Yuan Jin-Ta, Vivian Tsao, Chiang Long-Fang, Syu Guo-Huang, Tsai Yung-Ming, Chen Hsing-Wan, Lee Lung-Chi, Liu Pai, Tseng Hsiao-Te, Li Jian-Yi, Wu Tso-Chang, Chan Chin-Shui, Chen Dung-Yuan, Weng Ching-Tu, Jeng Tsai-Tung, Jun T. Lai, Huang Jyi, Fong Shen-Guang, Mei Dean-E, Nien Su-Chen, Chen Fay Long, Hsieh Ming-Chang, Yang Yung-Fu, Yu Peng, Yen Ye-Cheng, Hsu Tz-Guei, Ava Hsueh, Yang En-Sheng, Jan Yang-Bing, Yeh Tzu-Chi, Cheng Dai-Le, Chang Chen-Yu, Bai Feng-Zhong, Chien Cheng-Hsiung, Wang Wei-Wei, Chen Hsiang-Yin, Lee Jen-Hao, John Cheng, Leland Lee, Chiang Chung-Shan, Dorothy Hamilton, Dai Chin-Chin, Ko Tsuei-Chyan, Jen Chu-Chang, Sun Ping-Hua, Chu Li-Chi, Zhao Xiu.
