NEVERLAND _ 給城市失語者-辦公大樓裡的藝術工作室
NEVERLAND _ To the city aphasia - the art studio in the office building.
作者名稱 Author l 李綺璇 CHIH-SUAN, LEE
指導教授 Advisor l 莊明哲 MING-ZHE,ZHUANG
基地位置 Site l 台北市信義區信義路四段415號(景綸通商大樓)
繪畫是一種語言, 在幼兒時期最純粹的語言。而辦公室是生活也是壓力的來源。我探討若建築像是巴別塔般並且轉為用繪畫來統一語言,這樣子的存在是否會使基地附近的上班族有不同的生活型態或對話。
「這裡既是工作室也是辦公室,只需要一個空間,你可以在這裡做任何事,能夠自由自在,無拘無束的場所。 」
Workers living in the city gradually out of control, busy for busy, for life, almost lost their time and dialogue. Because people, unlike fairy tales, can never refuse to grow up, how to transform and keep the imagination of children? That's my first question.
Painting is a language, the purest language in early childhood. And the office is the source of stress. I explored whether the presence of such a building would make office workers near the base have different patterns of life or dialogue if they were to act like a Tower of Babel and switch to painting to unify the language.
"It's both a studio and an office, you just need a space where you can do anything, be free and free to do anything. 」