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中南半島(泰國) Indochina Peninsula, Thailand


中南半島(泰國) Indochina Peninsula, Thailand

劉其偉 臺灣 Liu Max C.W. Taiwan

鉛筆、水彩、紙 pencil and watercolor on paper 24.5 × 36 cm 1967 臺北市立美術館藏 Taipei Fine Arts Museum Collection -- 作品上有英、泰文文字。英文文字寫著:「泰國的熱帶平房。梭桃邑村。1967年6月19日。距離曼谷180公里。」泰文則寫著:「泰國的春武里府梭桃邑縣穆克沙旺之屋(มุกสวรรค์)。」該作看似描繪寧靜的泰國村莊住宅,但梭桃邑縣實際上為泰國最大軍港所在地。 Work with texts in English and Thai on it. The English text reads, “Tropical bungalow of Thailand. Sattahip Village. June 19, 1967. 180km away from Bangkok.” The Thai text reads, “Mukswerkh Houses, Sattahip District in Chonburi Province”. At first sight, the work seems to describe houses in a quiet Thai village, but in fact, Sattahip was the biggest military port of Thailand.