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「迴盪之聲」— 寶藏巖文史常設展

「迴盪之聲」— 寶藏巖文史常設展


「迴盪之聲」— 寶藏巖文史常設展



寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village


寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village

位於公館水岸旁的「寶藏巖國際藝術村」其歷史軸線除了包含市定古蹟的寶藏巖寺,更泛指從此廟附近延伸出的歷史聚落,此聚落主要由六〇及七〇年代所興建的違章建築所形成。這些建築依山傍水而建,蜿蜒錯落且複雜,呈現臺灣特殊的聚落樣貌。二〇〇四年,寶藏巖正式被登錄為歷史建築,以聚落活化的形態保存下來。從二〇〇六年底,由臺北市政府文化局開始進行聚落修繕的工程。二〇一〇年十月二日,「寶藏巖國際藝術村」正式營運,以「聚落共生」概念引入「寶藏家園」、「駐村計畫」與「青年會所」等計劃,用藝、居共構的做法活化保存寶藏巖,創造聚落多元豐富的樣貌。「寶藏巖國際藝術村」搭起了聚落居民,以及駐村藝術家之間的媒合平臺,注入了寶藏巖新的生命力。 Treasure Hill Artist Village Located along the Xindian River in Taipei’s Gongguan district, Treasure Hill Artist Village is situated in a historical milieu centered on Treasure Hill Temple, a municipal historical site, and extending generally to the surrounding settlement. Illegal shanties, erected mainly in the 1960s and 1970s, meander up the natural slope, haphazard and intricate, forming one of Taiwan’s unique visual landmarks. In 2004 Treasure Hill Temple was formally registered as a historical building, and preservation efforts began as part of a community revitalization program. At the end of 2006, the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs initiated renovations of this historical quarter, and Treasure Hill Artist Village officially opened on October 2, 2010. It currently is engaged in three major projects: historical community preservation work, an Artist-in-Residence program, and Treasure Hill Traveler’s Hostel. By making art an essential part of residential life, the settlement of Treasure Hill is gaining a rich, complex image. Treasure Hill Artist Village serves as a platform of interaction between artists and local residents, infusing Treasure Hill with fresh vitality.
鄭亭亭 CHENG Ting-Ting


鄭亭亭 CHENG Ting-Ting

▲ 鄭亭亭 鄭亭亭畢業於倫敦西敏大學攝影學及金匠大學純藝術碩士。其曾在台灣、香港、日本、英國、西班牙等地舉行個展。其他展覽包括:深圳香港建築雙年展、聖保羅Videobrasil當代藝術雙年展、台灣國際錄像藝術展等。其曾在台東美術館、倫敦國際視覺藝術中心、曼徹斯特華人當代藝術中心、柏林GlogauAIR、越南Zero Station、首爾MMCA國立美術館等地駐村。在作品中,他利用影像、聲音、行動及參與,來重新檢視被遺忘的歷史或社會事件,同時質疑藝術在社會中的角色。 ▲ CHENG Ting-Ting Cheng graduated from MA Photographic Studies at University of Westminster and MFA Fine Art at Goldsmiths College, London. She had solo shows in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Spain and the UK. The exhibitions she participated in include, Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architechture (China), Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil (São Paulo)...etc. She was the artist-in-residency at GlogauAIR (Berlin), Iniva (London), CFCCA (Manchester), cheLA (Buenos Aires), Zero Station (HCMC), MMCA (Seoul), Taitung Art Museum (Taiwan) and more. In her practice, she examines our cultural, national and racial identities through reinterpreting archival materials to construct narratives in the current context.
黃立慧 HUANG Li-Hui


黃立慧 HUANG Li-Hui

▲ 黃立慧 人生目前大部份的時間都在台北。2013年拿到芝加哥藝術學院創作碩士,主修行為藝術。作品主要從自身困頓出發,進而討論人做為個體及群體的各種關係以及界限,及人如何在分辨、理解日常的普遍性,企圖在大敘事跟個人史中找出接點。媒材主要為行為錄像以及裝置,並針對不同語境空間 / 人生情境,發展因地制宜的呈現形式。 ▲ HUANG Li-Hui Li Hui Huang is a Taipei-­‐based artist focusing on performance. She was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and received her M.F.A. degree from SAIC (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) in 2013. Derived from her personal confusion with life, her work illustrates the complexity of various relationships and boundaries among people. She specializes in using her personal history to approach social issues.
吳修銘 WU Siou-Ming


吳修銘 WU Siou-Ming

▲ 吳修銘 科技藝術家、音樂家、聲音設計師,現居高雄。他的創作媒材含括聲音、影像、裝置、電子音樂等,作品探索都市/空間、土地/認同、人群/身份等社會介面中的感知經驗,反思人與環境之間的關係,並轉譯成某種聲音的型態使其被聽見。作品曾受邀於雅典數位藝術節、雅典雙年展、西班牙 MADATA 科技與互動藝術節、西班牙 IN-SONORA 聲音與互動藝術節、英國當代聲響藝術節、蒙古地景藝術雙年展等藝術節展出,並至美國、英國、希臘、西班牙、德國、荷蘭、義大利、烏克蘭、俄羅斯、韓國、蒙古參展。 ▲ WU Siou-Ming Wu Siou-Ming is a techno artist, musician, and sound designer who is currently based in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He works with sound, image, installation, and electronic music and creates artworks to explore perceptual experiences through social interfaces involving cities/spaces, land/identification, and people/identities, with the relationship between humans and our environment reflected upon and transcribed into specific sounds to share with others. Wu has presented his artworks at the Athens Digital Arts Festival, Athens Biennale, International Festival of Digital Art and Contemporary Technologies (MADATAC, Spain), IN-SONORA, International Sound and Interactive Art Show (Spain); Sonorities Festival of Contemporary Music (U.K.); Land Art Mongolia Biennial, and also taken part in other exhibitions shown in the U.S., the U.K., Greece, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Korea, and Mongolia.