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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

牆隔神農- 水管路 Landscape or View ? - 2


牆隔神農- 水管路 Landscape or View ? - 2

陳漢聲 Chen Han-Sheng

年代: 2019 媒材: 不鏽鋼、胡桃木框、白橡木、老玻璃 / Stainless steel, woods and patterned glass 尺寸: 75x75cm 藝術家陳漢聲的〈牆隔神農—水管路〉,是他2019年個展《牆隔神農》中的作品,展覽著眼於故鄉高雄大社的農村與工業區共生的生活樣貌,呈現工業開發下的農村生活與信仰。本作品是一扇木製的八角窗,窗框內的壓花毛玻璃,是早期農村常見的老窗樣式,毛玻璃以工業區為背景刻畫了廠房、煙囪等物件,主角則是農村常見的鳥禽麻雀,表現工業與農業並存的生活樣貌。陳漢聲的故鄉發生過多起工業意外,在一次爆炸事件,一旁住家的玻璃紛紛被震碎,因此展覽中特別以農村老窗為意象,並以工業區設立後拓寬為產業道路的水管路為名,映照地區工業發展的歷史。 Chen Han-Sheng’s Landscape or View? 2 is one of the works displayed in his 2019 solo exhibition, “After the Explosion.” The exhibition focused on the coexistence of rural and industrial areas in Dashe District, Kaohsiung, where rural life and traditional faith continue under industrial development. The work consists mainly of a wooden octagonal window. The patterned, frosted glass in the window frame is a common old window style still often found in rural areas. In the frosted glass, there is a large sparrow (common in the countryside), and in the background is a depiction of factory buildings, smokestacks, and other things often seen in industrial areas. The image expresses the coexistence of industrial and agricultural lifestyles. There have been many industrial accidents in Chen Han-Sheng’s hometown. In one explosion, the windows of a neighboring house were shattered. For this reason, he made the old-fashioned windows of the countryside a motif among the works in his exhibition.. Shuiguan Rd. was widened into an “industrial road,” and the entire artwork may be considered a reflection on the history of industrial development in this district.