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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系

hulu呼嚕-健康貓砂櫃 - hulu-Healthy cat litter cabinet
hulu呼嚕-健康貓砂櫃 - hulu-Healthy cat litter cabinet


hulu呼嚕-健康貓砂櫃 - hulu-Healthy cat litter cabinet

吳旻灃, 周昱淇 - Wu,Min-Feng, Zhou,Yu-qi

貓砂盆就是貓的廁所而大多數家庭都會將貓砂盆放置在開放的空間,而久而久之就會有異味的產生,進一步的影響生活品質。這次與科技結合,除了讓異味可有善解決,使用多種感測器,來監測櫃體內與貓砂的狀況,並模組化的生產方式讓成本降低,更能提升生活品質與感受。 - The cat litter box is the cat's toilet, and most families will place the cat litter box in an open space, and over time, there will be odors, which will further affect the quality of life. Combining this time with technology, in addition to making odors a good solution, a variety of sensors are used to monitor the condition of the cabinet and cat litter, and the modular production method reduces costs and improves the quality of life and experience.