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Sunset Ocean 落日海邊|Live In Nature 自然情境燈具


Sunset Ocean 落日海邊|Live In Nature 自然情境燈具


“Sunset Ocean 落日海邊” 想呈現日落時分的景色,讓使用者如同置身在傍晚的沙灘,感受著夕陽慢慢落下時,大自然平靜且放鬆的氛圍。 我們將暖黃色的燈光照射在瀑布紋押花玻璃上,藉由改變兩者之間的關係,分別呈現出落日時分的天空、海面上的波光粼粼,以及日落海邊的景色。 “Sunset Ocean” presents the scenery at sunset. We irradiated the warm-yellow light on the waterfall patterned glass and presented the sparkling waves, the sky at sunset, and the scenery of the seaside at sunset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 波光粼粼 Sparkling Ocean - 透過光照在玻璃的不同角度,呈現不同時刻波光粼粼的景象。 Through different angles of light irradiation on the glass, it presents ocean waves sparkling. - 漸層天空 Gradient Sky - 使用漸層玻璃,在移動燈源的過程中改變燈的亮暗,呈現太陽日落升起的景象。 Use gradient patterned glass to change the brightness of the lamp while moving the light, presenting the scene of the sunrise and sunset. - 日落海邊 Sunset Ocean - 運用玻璃與光的反射與折射,營造日落海邊的整體景色。 Through the reflection and refraction of light on glass to create a whole scenery of the sunset at the seaside.