梅石營區見證過去前線緊張肅殺氛圍下所誕生之特約茶室歷史,其保存與活化利用已納入連江縣再造歷史現場計畫之一,整體園區將活化轉型為「馬祖療癒之鄉-戰地生活博物館園區」,其中部分空間將活化轉型成為「特約青春—島 ‧ 流離 ‧ 她們與他們的生命記憶」展示場域,透過藝術性轉化場域氛圍與歷史文學劇場式敘事手法作為本次策展之核心概念,於各展示空間中透過虛實引導敘事,引領民眾進入特約茶室情境敘事故事情節,並與當時歷史脈絡連結,透過藝術性轉化展示手法結合原有空間勾勒場景記憶,導入五感體驗及燈光等。
The Meishi Camp has witnessed the history of the special tea room born under the tense and suppressive atmosphere of the frontlines. Its preservation and revitalization have been incorporated into one of the historical site reconstruction plans in Lienchiang County. The entire park will be transformed into "Matsu's Healing Homeland - Battlefield Life Museum Park". Part of the space will be revitalized and transformed into an exhibition area titled "Special Contract Youth – Island ‧ Exile ‧ Their Life Memories". The core concept of this exhibition is to artistically transform the ambiance of the space and employ a historical literary theatrical narrative approach. Throughout the exhibition spaces, the narrative guides visitors, leading them into the stories and scenarios of the special tea rooms, connecting with the historical context of the time. By artistically displaying combined with the original space, it sketches memories of scenes, integrating sensory experiences and lighting effects.