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嶺東科技大學 創意產品設計系

蝶影 - Butterfly Shadow
蝶影 - Butterfly Shadow


蝶影 - Butterfly Shadow

高亦婷, 翁訢慈, 朱淨菱, 黃依柔, 陳昀妘 - Gao,Yi-Ting, Weng,Hsin-Tzu, Jhu,Jing-Ling, Huang,Yi-Rou, Chen,Yun-Yun

燈具利用巴克球原理,以六邊形去焊接而成一個框架,燈罩則是用皮革製成的蝴蝶進行磁吸黏貼,以能自行控制燈罩位置互動為特色出發,呈現光影的變化。 燈管可旋轉拿下替換,燈的開關及亮度都以觸控的方式去進行。 我們選用三種台灣瀕臨絕種的保育類蝴蝶,分別為珠光黃裳鳳蝶、寬尾鳳蝶和大紫俠蝶,來進行造型制作,並以雷雕的方式在表面刻上特徵。 選用蝴蝶是因他們會為了取暖而聚集在一塊,而燈就是他們取暖的意象。 - The lamp uses the principle of buck ball, which is welded into a frame in hexagons, and the lampshade is magnetically pasted with butterflies made of leather, which is characterized by the interaction of the position of the lampshade by itself, presenting the change of light and shadow. The lamp can be rotated to replace it, and the switch and brightness of the lamp are carried out by touch. We selected three endangered species of Taiwan's endangered conservation butterflies, namely the pearlescent yellow butterfly, the broad-tailed butterfly and the great purple butterfly, to shape and engrave features on the surface in the form of thunder sculptures. Butterflies are chosen because they gather together for warmth, and lamps are the image of their warmth.