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景文科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

【 字己來 】
【 字己來 】


【 字己來 】

▍曹聖亞 ▍葉靜蓉 ▍洪柏榕 ▍陳維婷 ▍謝佳晏 ▍林碧珊

字己來目的是推廣繁體中文結構,利用中文字可拆分的特性將文字結構做成卡片教具及積木玩具,透過堆疊透明卡片和拼湊積木的方式讓孩童能兼具學習文字與娛樂,達到推廣效果。 The purpose of the word is to promote the structure of the Chinese Traditional, using the separable characteristics of the Chinese characters to make the text structure into card teaching aids and building block toys, through stacking transparent cards and piecing together building blocks, so that children can learn both text and entertainment, to achieve the promotion effect.