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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

花好月圓 - Full Moon
花好月圓 - Full Moon


花好月圓 - Full Moon

黃詩媛 - Huang, Shi-Yuan

佛教四大吉花為題 , 搭配剪影浮雕的方式顯現於餐盒外緣上 , 花苞圖樣與其莖葉相交 , 傳達生生不息之意象 , 單一餐盒則取弦月造型 , 整體組合後呈天圓地方又同時彷如四葉草般 。 - The four auspicious flowers of Buddhism are the title . The way to match the silhouette relief is shown on the outer edge of the lunch box . The flower bud pattern intersects its stems and leaves , conveying the image of endless life . The single lunch box takes the shape of a crescent moon . After the overall combination , it is a round sky,and at the same time it looks like a four-leaf clover .