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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

氣喘照護 - Asthma helper
氣喘照護 - Asthma helper


氣喘照護 - Asthma helper

吳東輝 - Wu,Dong-hui

因為地球逐年升高的嚴重空氣污染、造成不利於一般人的正常呼吸,尤其在季節交替期間,氣候急遽變化造成早晚溫差大與空氣懸浮粒子激增,容易誘發氣喘發作,因此設計在公共場合的輔助呼吸救助產品,且同時考慮避免人與人之間的接觸型病毒傳染,而採用快速直覺取出單次使用的方式. - Because the serious air pollution of the earth is increasing year by year, which is not conducive to the normal breathing of ordinary people, especially during the change of seasons, the rapid changes in climate cause a large temperature difference between morning and evening and a surge of airborne particles, which are easy to induce asthma attacks. Therefore, assisted breathing in public places is designed. Rescue products, and at the same time consider avoiding human-to-human contact virus infection, and adopt the method of taking out a single use quickly and intuitively.