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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

樂活鄉村服務計畫 - LOHAS Country Service Program
樂活鄉村服務計畫 - LOHAS Country Service Program


樂活鄉村服務計畫 - LOHAS Country Service Program

徐佳妘 - Jia-Yun Syu

因為郊區村莊的不便利性,服務計畫是以行動超市車與配合的超市及藥局,將物品載至各偏遠鄉鎮,同時以網站做商品預購以及慢性處方簽的領取通知,解決郊區醫療資源不足及貨物流通不便利性。 - Because of the inconvenience of suburban villages, the service plan is to use mobile supermarket trucks and cooperative supermarkets and pharmacies to carry items to remote townships, and at the same time use the website to make pre-orders of goods and receive notices for chronic prescription signatures to solve the shortage of medical resources in suburbs and the inconvenience of goods circulation.