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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

KAWAII Doki 電競滑鼠組 - KAWAII Doki Gaming Mouse Series
KAWAII Doki 電競滑鼠組 - KAWAII Doki Gaming Mouse Series


KAWAII Doki 電競滑鼠組 - KAWAII Doki Gaming Mouse Series

黃莉薇、莊文翔 - Huang, Li-Wei, Chuang,Wen-Hsiang

專為現代女性打造的電競滑鼠,少女心的設計,既輕巧又便利。翅膀型護腕墊紅外線紓壓,具有身心靈的療癒功能,側邊的心型裝飾可以顯示手溫、心跳,畫面會延遲五秒。此外,還可以設定提醒喝水、運動的時間與音效,可自行設定。 - The gaming mouse designed for modern women, with a girly design, is both lightweight and convenient. The wing-shaped wrist pad has infrared pressure relief, which has the healing function of body and soul. The heart-shaped decoration on the side can display hand temperature and heartbeat, and the screen will be delayed for five seconds. In addition, you can also set the time and sound effects to remind you to drink water and exercise, which can be set by yourself.