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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

紙寓 法華七諭紙雕花瓶 - Parables of the Paper
紙寓 法華七諭紙雕花瓶 - Parables of the Paper


紙寓 法華七諭紙雕花瓶 - Parables of the Paper

鄭毓琳、謝昀宸 - Cheng, Yu-Lin, Xie, Yun-Chen

取「法華經」的「華」字(同「花」之意),以紙雕為表現形式製作花瓶,由三層構造呈現,取用法華七喻中,七個寓言故事的元素設計圖樣,製作成一系列紙雕花瓶。 - Taking the word 'flower' in 'the Lotus Sutra' to mean 'flower', making vases in the form of hollow paper carvings, It consists of three layers, the paper carving style is based on the design patterns of the seven fables in 'Parables of the Lotus Sutra', made into a series of seven carved paper vases.