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大葉大學 工業設計學系


大葉大學 工業設計學系



破境 - Broken through

「破境」,宛如一場探索設計心靈的奇幻之旅,讓我們在匠心與創意的交匯處尋覓深奧的設計魅力。這場展覽將現代工業設計的獨到視野,展現出破碎美學的神秘面貌,讓觀者在複雜的設計結構中領悟窮的詮釋可能。 每件展品皆是設計師們對心靈深處的探求,他們勇於挑戰傳統束縛,用富有情感的手法演繹經典與創新的完美平衡。這些設計如同一面面破碎的鏡子,映照出多重的設計觀念與思想碰撞,使我們陷入思辨的泥沼。 觀展者穿梭在「破境」的展覽中,不僅感受到工業設計的窮魅力,更發現藝術與科技的融合,所帶來的奇妙化學反應。展品之間的對話,凸顯了每位設計師對於美學、功能與情感的融合,令我們對設計的深度與廣度有了全新的體認。 「破境」不僅是一場視覺的盛宴,更是一場靈魂之旅。它引領我們穿越時空,思考人與物的關係,讓我們深入了解設計背後蘊含的盡智慧。這是一次超越表面的體驗,透過對設計的感悟,我們更加了解自我,也感受到創意與美學的窮可能。 「破境」是學生們心靈的鏡花水月,讓我們感受到匠心與創意的卓越藝術。這場展覽不僅將成為我們學習的源泉,更將啟迪我們走向未來,創造屬於自己的設計之光。 "Broken through" is like a fantasy journey to explore the design soul, allowing us to find the profound design charm at the intersection of ingenuity and creativity. This exhibition brings the unique vision of modern industrial design to show the mysterious face of broken aesthetics, allowing viewers to understand the endless interpretation possibilities in the complex design structure. Visitors wandering through the "Broken through" exhibition not only feel the infinite charm of industrial design, but also discover the wonderful chemical reactions brought about by the integration of art and technology. The dialogue between the exhibits highlights each designer's integration of aesthetics, functionality and emotion, giving us a new understanding of the depth and breadth of design. "Broken through" is not only a visual feast, but also a soul journey. It leads us through time and space, thinking about the relationship between people and things, and allows us to deeply understand the endless wisdom behind design. This is an experience that goes beyond the surface. Through the perception of design, we understand ourselves better and feel the endless possibilities of creativity and aesthetics. "Broken tjrough" is a reflection of the students' souls, allowing us to feel the outstanding art of ingenuity and creativity. This exhibition will not only be a source of learning for us, but also inspire us to move into the future and create our own design light.