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〈大量生產下從未料到的GAN高功率突變〉 High-Powered Mutants of Some GAN Never Even Considered for Mass Production


〈大量生產下從未料到的GAN高功率突變〉 High-Powered Mutants of Some GAN Never Even Considered for Mass Production

海蓮娜‧薩琳 Helena Sarin

海蓮娜‧薩琳,以「神經拼裝」(Neural Bricolage)為名(工作室名稱)的視覺藝術家及軟體工程師,曾在貝爾實驗室工作長達二十年,嫻熟使用人工智慧創作,深深著迷於人工智慧的不可預測性,也是相關領域活躍的演說者。〈鮮紅可口的栽培物:冬作〉和〈大量生產下從未料到的GAN高功率突變〉皆用生菜葉訓練人工智慧,並以「生成對抗網路」在形狀、顏色、光線和各種元素之橋接等方面模擬植物的質地。兩件作品同屬「維根(veGAN)」計畫的一部份品,紋理細緻、色彩豐富。 Both Red Delicious Cultivar: The Winter Crop and High-Powered Mutants of Some GAN Never Even Considered for Mass Production trained AI with lettuce leaves and simulate the textures of plants in the aspects of shape, color, lighting, and the bridging of various elements with GANs. As part of “veGAN” PRJKT, these two works are exquisite in texture and rich in color.