土耳其裔新媒體藝術家迷莫‧阿克騰的〈心層行旅〉,是2015年使用Google甫開發成的機器學習技術「深度夢境」(Deep Dream)所完成之作品。作者現身面對鏡頭,人臉及其背景接著轉變成特定動植物乃至礦物之紋理,過程中景深不斷加強,畫面不斷拉進,觀者隨著視角的深化和變化一同目眩神迷,猶如進入機器的意識,換成機器的雙眼。
Journey through the Layers of the Mind used “Deep Dream,” a machine learning technology developed by Google in 2015. At first, the artist faces the camera. Later, his countenance and the background are melting into textures of certain animals, plants, and even minerals. The depth of field is enhanced constantly, while the frames are zooming in. Viewers are dazzled by all the changing and deepening processes, as if they entered the consciousness of machines and saw things through the eyes of machines.