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《宇宙生成器(AP)》Cosmic Generator (AP)


《宇宙生成器(AP)》Cosmic Generator (AP)

2.蜜卡.羅登伯格 Mika ROTTENBERG

全球化星球 Planet Globalization 2017 單頻道錄像裝置,彩色、有聲,26分36秒,尺寸視空間而定 Single-channel video installation, sound, color, 26 mins 36 secs, dimensions variable 藝術家、Houser & Wirth 畫廊提供 Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth 作品原由德國敏斯特雕塑展委託製作 製作協力:丹麥路易斯安那現代藝術博物館、倫敦Outset當代藝術基金會、希臘複生態當代藝術行動 This work was originally commissioned by Skulptur Projekte Münster. Produced with support from Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark; Outset Contemporary Art Fund, London; and Polyeco Contemporary Art Initiative, Piraeus, Greece.