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朝陽科技大學 工業設計系

Monti-電子嬰兒沙鈴 - Monti-Electronic baby sand bell


Monti-電子嬰兒沙鈴 - Monti-Electronic baby sand bell


沙鈴對於6個月~1歲的小嬰兒來說,對其身心靈的正常發展有很大的幫助;除了能協助嬰兒大腦的發展,以及聽覺與觸覺的協調,更能促進良好的親子關係。 在嬰兒時期,母親的聲音能夠安撫嬰兒的情緒,帶給嬰兒更為穩定的個性發展;因此我們將傳統沙鈴結合現代科技,嬰兒透過肢體搖動沙鈴除了可以有傳統沙鈴的聲響,更可透過預錄的設定,發出媽媽的聲音,給嬰兒帶來更好的體驗和陪伴。 父母可以使用手機,透過藍牙連接沙鈴,並使用手機APP操作,選擇讓寶寶聽父母的聲音或可以讓嬰兒放鬆身心的歌曲。嬰兒也可以通過搖動控制音量,從而認知聲音大小與肢體做動之間的因果關係。在沙鈴最外層為食品級矽膠塗層,能保護嬰兒的衛生與安全,並且容易清潔,讓父母能更安心地使用。 - Sand bells is of great help to the normal development of body and mind for infants from 6 months to 1 year old. In addition to assisting the development of the infant's brain, as well as the coordination of hearing and touch, it can also promote the good Parent-child relationship. During infancy, the mother's voice can soothe the baby's emotions and bring the baby a more stable personality development. Therefore, we combine traditional sand bells with modern technology. Babies can shake the sand bells through their hand, in addition to the sound of traditional sand bells, through the pre-recorded settings, the mother's voice is released to bring a better experience and companionship to the baby. Parents can use mobile phone, connect the sand bell via Bluetooth, and use the mobile APP to operate, and choose to let the baby listen to the parent's voice or the song that can make the baby relax. Infants can also control the volume by shaking, so as to recognize the causal relationship between sound volume and limb movement. The outermost layer of the sand bell is a food-grade silicone coating, which can protect the hygiene and safety of the baby, and is easy to clean, so that parents can use it with more peace of mind.