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朝陽科技大學 工業設計系

商業用快遞單車 - ZALKO
商業用快遞單車 - ZALKO


商業用快遞單車 - ZALKO

曾凱玟、黃尚豪 - Zeng,Kai-Wen, Huang,Shang-Hao

我們檢視了目前的快遞市場,而現有的快遞單車配備 並不完善,因此我們整合市場及貨品數據,希望以獨 特的載貨方式來進行貨物配送,也能結合商業應用來 達到不錯的效益。 - Viewing the current express marketing, the existing equipment of express bicycle isn’t perfectly well. Therefore, we integrate the market and goods data to deliver goods uniquely, and also in combination with commercial to reach high benefit.