濕地在整個地球的涵蓋面積並不高,但是對整體自然物種多樣性來說,卻是非常重要的生態系統。濕地同時也是臺灣孕育出豐富生物最主要的環境發源地,孕育豐富的生機外,更擁有全球獨特的生態系統。然而在人類土地過度開墾以及長期忽略保育的觀念之下,造成濕地生態急速縮小甚至消失,若不重視此問題,後續對環境所造成更多傷害,後果將不堪想像。有鑑於推廣生態多樣性的重要保育議題,本創作將濕地生態資產透過美感教育形式,從造型、色彩、肌理、 互動等視覺化面向表現濕地獨特的生態美學。此外,將濕地美感互動教材結合裝幀包裝,設計成套的教材教具組合,提供使用者容易操作與使用的學習組合,讓大眾感受濕地美學的過程,亦學會欣賞並虛心向濕地學習,進而正視與保育濕地。
Although wetlands do not account for much of the world area, they are a highly important ecosystem for natural biodiversity. Not only are wetlands the main source of diverse species in Taiwan, but they are also extremely unique ecosystems among the world. However, the wetlands habitat is rapidly shrinking and even disappearing due to excessive land reclamation and insufficient conservation over the long term. A lack of attention to this problem has been leading to greater environmental damage with unimaginable consequences. To promote the importance of biodiversity and conservation, this design expresses the unique eco-aesthetics of wetlands through visual elements such as styles, colors, textures, and interactions. Moreover, the interactive teaching materials for wetlands aesthetics are packaged into easy-to-use tool sets for users. In the process of experiencing wetlands aesthetics, people may also learn to appreciate and face the issue of wetlands conservation.