朱儀瑄, 郭芷芸, 李秉澤 - Zhu Yi Xaun, Guo Zhi Yun, LI Bing Ze
「繡田」 透過創新設計,將中華文化的傳統刺繡的草做簡化,使體驗變成日常生活的一部分,提供更多人接觸到傳統文化的機會,讓傳統的刺繡不只是一種商品,而是一種藝術與品味的象徵。
"XIU TAIN" through innovative design. Simplify the operation of traditional embroidery in Chinese culture, make the experience a part of daily life, provide more people with opportunities to contact traditional culture, and make traditional embroidery not just a commodity, but a symbol of art and taste.
The core design of "XIU TAIN" is to arouse people's interest through embroidery and then retain the embroidery culture. In the process, I learned about the fun and beautiful cultural colors of embroidery, so that more and richer cultures of Taiwan can be preserved through hard work.