我們透過實地參與,並積累了自己的基本知識,發現,遶境關鍵是人與人之間的分享互動和遺留下的廢棄物。 因此,我們開始收集這些廢棄物,並作為專案的一部分進行了一系列實驗。且在今年四月活動時免費發放,邀請去年採訪百位信眾們再次參與,在體驗傳統文化的過程中,同時也是幫助環境的友善,並且設計物皆可重複使用,藉此達到循環經濟的價值。
From our participation in the pilgrimage and the resulting experience, we discovered that the two central aspects of the pilgrimage were: the interaction between participants and the massive amount of litter left behind. As to the latter, we began to collect litter, looking to recycle it into newly designed products. These products will be distributed free of charge to the worshippers interviewed by our team last year, all of whom were also specially invited to attend this year’s event. Within the experience of the many facets of traditional culture, our design looks to instill a further environmental message, with the reusable nature of the objects pointing to the goal of a circular economy.