烏白補形所 Taiwan Pig Viscera Food Therapy Village
本團隊以台灣的特色小吃 – 「黑白切」為核心,發展出一套以黑白切為主的活動視覺體系『烏白補形所』,市集本質是為了發揮黑白切的團圓概念,所以決定以即將舉辦的虛擬市集,來乘載這項文化。黑白切雖是早期社會平凡百姓的美食佳餚,但因世代的蛻變,越來越少人嘗試它的獨特,因此重新賦予黑白切新的視覺形象,成為我們的首要任務。
The core theme of the event is "Taiwan Pig Viscera Food Therapy Village", it’s a traditional food and cultural market with "heibai qie" as the main theme, which is essentially a communication concept between people, therefore presented in a virtual event space. Although "heibai qie" is a delicacy of the common people in the early days of Taiwan, due to the change of generations, less and less young people are willing to try its uniqueness, so we organize the event to promote its uniqueness and historical characteristics to the public, let more people know about how delectable of this culinary delights.
Main visual presentation uses the eye-catching and trendy color scheme and combines the retro feeling of Taiwanese gourmet snacking-"heibai qie". The key vision is pig and its offal with gradation of red and orange, makes the adorable and visual comfort atmosphere expresses vitality of the offal. The background uses blue and yellow gradient in the poster, is derived from heibai qie’s another name called "haslet soup", like the last moment when the offal is thrown into the boiling water and ready to boil. In the part of color, uses partial sepia embellishment, adds warm and cool colour tone to looks balanced perception in composition, it’s better able to present the core theme to attract populace's vision.