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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系

尋覓童趣 - Seeking the joys of the childhood
尋覓童趣 - Seeking the joys of the childhood


尋覓童趣 - Seeking the joys of the childhood

許瑋彤, 伍宸葳 - Wei-Tung,Hsu, Chen-Wei,Wu

以孩子為出發點,打造一處能自由探索、與光影共同穿梭其中的絕佳場域。每一道光線,都在講述一個故事,陽光在這裡跳躍;每一條路線,敘述著成長中的每條路,產生蜿蜒的叉路。 - Starting from the perspective of children, creating an exceptional space where they can freely explore and journey alongside light and shadow. Each ray of light tells a story, with sunlight dancing here. Every pathway narrates the journey of growth, generating winding crossroads.